Holiday Baking

Chocolate Toffee

Chocolate Toffee

I love toffee. This recipe is easy but I would make a few changes the next time I make, which will be in Saturday when the new candy thermometer ar...
Chocolate Covered Peanuts

Chocolate Covered Peanuts

These are my absolute favorites. So easy to make and even easier to slip one into your mouth for a moment of joy and happiness.  Let's get to it. L...
Eggnog Bourbon Balls

Eggnog Bourbon Balls

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE eggnog! Let's be honest, I start checking the stores from the onset of October until it hits the shelves. This year I do want to...
Waffle Goodness

Waffle Goodness

There is nothing better on Christmas Morning than a fresh homemade Waffle.